Mon Valley Academy for the Arts (MVAA) is excited to announce a new series of classes designed for homeschool students, beginning on September 12. The classes will include a variety of subjects, including Music, Art, Health, Financial Literacy, Safety, and Spanish language instruction. These classes offer a unique opportunity for homeschool students to engage in enriching educational experiences with other homeschoolers. Cyberschoolers are welcome to register as well!
Class Schedule:
- Elementary Specials (Music, Art, Health, Financial Literacy, Safety): Thursdays, 2:30-3:15 PM
- Secondary Specials (Music, Art, Health, Financial Literacy, Safety): Thursdays, 2:30-3:15 PM
- Spanish for Ages 6-12: Thursdays, 1:30-2:15 PM
- CIM™ Math (Cognitive Instruction in Modeling Mathematics): Thursdays, 12:30 – 1:15 PM
- Physics Tutoring: Thursdays, 3:30 – 4:30 PM
Each class will run for two nine-week semesters, with a built-in make-up day each semester in case of MVAA cancellations. The first semester runs from September 12 to November 14, with a make-up day on November 21. The second semester begins on January 9 and ends on March 6, with a make-up day on March 13.
Classes are limited to 15 students per session to ensure personalized attention. The fee structure is as follows:
- Specials Classes: $100 per semester ($10 per class + $10 materials fee)
- Spanish Classes: $90 per semester
To register for these classes, fill out this form, call 724-561-5616, or email info@monvalleyacademyforthearts.org. Classes will be held at the Peter J. Daley Cultural Center, 119 Brownsville Avenue, Brownsville, PA 15417.
Finally, MVAA will host two fairs for homeschooled students in the spring of 2025:
- Spring Homeschool Science Fair
- Spring Homeschool History Fair
Please review the policies and procedures outlined in our MVAA Student Handbook before enrolling your student in lessons, classes, and/or workshops.